29 Social Media Tools

29 Social Media Tools for the Busy Social Media Marketer

Repost from Business2Community, November 24, 2013

By Ian Cleary

Are you using the right social media tools to manage your social media presence?

As the demands on social media marketers increase, it can be difficult to  find time to do everything. But there are some great tools that can help you  save time and increase the effectiveness of your efforts. In conjunction with  our infographic on “The Day in the Life of a Busy Social Media Marketer”, here  is our full list of over 29 time-saving social media & content  tools you can use on a daily basis. Start by picking a few to test—it  will make your life so much easier. Continue reading

SEO: 10 Best Practices for Businesses

10 SEO Best Practices for Businesses

Repost from Business2Community, August 7, 2013

By Brenna Keough

When done properly, search engine optimization has the ability to  significantly contribute to the inbound marketing success of a company. However,  developing an effective SEO program is far more complicated than it used to be,  and requires deep, thorough evaluation of your website and digital presence as a  whole. Understanding and implementing SEO best practices can help you establish  a comprehensive inbound marketing strategy that truly works. Continue reading

5 Rules for Social Media for Entrepreneurs

5 Social Media Rules Every Entrepreneur Should Know

Repost from Entrepreneur, June 14, 2013

By Brian Patrick Eha

Social  media can level the playing field between industry leaders and upstarts, between multinational corporation executives and small-business  owners, making peers of all participants. Yet appearances can be deceiving. To  borrow from George Orwell’s Animal Farm, all social-media users are  equal, but some are more equal than others.

So what makes the difference between a following of 500 and a following of  500,000? While A-list celebrities can have an advantage over most everyone else,  other social media darlings have grown their base of fans more organically, and  you can learn from their strategies.

What follows are five keys culled from darlings of the current social media  landscape for increasing your influence in a way that can make a difference to  your business strategies. Continue reading

How to Create a Business Plan for Social Media

10 Questions to Ask When Creating a Social-Media Marketing Plan

Repost from Entrepreneur, September 16, 2013

By Kim LaChance Shandrow

Ever heard the saying “Failing to plan is planning to fail?” That old but  wise adage often rings true when it comes to social-media  marketing. Creating a detailed, goal-oriented social-media strategy is just as important as having a rock solid business plan. Continue reading

5 Tips to Grow an Audience for Social Media

5 Tips to Help Small Businesses Grow a Big Social Media Audience – 3 Bonus Tools

Repost from Business2Community, November 20, 2013

By Joy Mali

The world of social media is constantly changing, and for the better too.  Small businesses who want to jump onto the (somewhat crowded!) bandwagon may  want to start growing their social media audience earlier.

Building a social media audience is a constant balancing act, but nonetheless  it’s very rewarding once you have several best practices put in place. Here are some tips you may find valuable to start off. Continue reading

5 B2B Marketing Trends for 2014

5 B2B Marketing Trends To Watch In 2014

Repost from B2B Marketing, November 27, 2013

By Tim Asimos

In B2B marketing, 2013 was the year of content marketing, social media and  marketing automation among other things. In 2014, we predict a continuation of  these trends—along with some new trends and philosophical shifts that will make  an impact.

We’ve come up with a short list of trends that we think will have the biggest  influence on B2B marketing plans in 2014. While not exhaustive by any means,  here are five B2B marketing trends to watch. Continue reading

5 Tips for B2B Social Media Marketing

Repost from Business2Community, November 25, 2013

By Eunice David

5 Tips For An Awesome B2B Social Media Marketing Strategy

Business to Business (B2B) companies often find it hard to see the benefits  of social media in their marketing strategy. Because their market is usually  smaller and more vertical than Business to Consumer (B2C) companies, they  often don’t see how implementing a solid social media marketing  plan has the potential to help close new sales.

The fact is, social media is a pervasive force in society today, and its  influence is only growing. B2B is not insulated from the movement, as evidenced  by more and more marketing budgets incorporating social. If you don’t want to be  left behind, you better get out in front of it, right?

A good place to start is to develop a well thought out social media marketing plan. One way  of approaching your social strategy is to incorporate traditional marketing plan  elements into your B2B social media plan. Continue reading